I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to all of my loyal site visitors, my clients, my customers, and to all newcomers who will journey onto my pages and into my words/space in 2011. You are all most welcome and appreciated.
I am hard at work on the Saturn - Neptune book and am therefore quieter than usual, but I hope that those of you who are interested in the book will find my silence well worth it! If you'd like to read more or even contribute your Saturn-Neptune relationship experience, visit the following pages:
I will be away for almost two weeks in January, on a much needed holiday combined with my attendance to the River of Stars Conference (I am sooo looking forward to this experience and hope to return with much more to share astrologically and spiritually). I will not be working at all this time - other than the conference - but if you email or contact me through the site(s) or any other method, I will begin responding to everyone on January 26th.
I will have an assistant to help anyone who needs it with the January Full Moon rituals/purchases, so there will be no break in the ritual schedule...the rituals will be available and delivered within 24 hours.
Thanks again for all of your support, kind words, and willingness to share yourselves with me.
With love, light, and blessings for 2011...keep your heads clear and your hearts positively focused and we will all come through the turmoil strong and together.
Random thoughts and intrigues focusing on or pertaining to Astrology (at least most of the time) as well as updates to the Sacred Love Karmic Astrology Website
29 December 2010
19 November 2010
Mercury is retrograde from 12/10/10 - 12/30/10
We will enter the Mercury retrograde 'shadow' period at 19’42 degrees of Sagittarius on November 22, 2010 - Mercury will return to this degree again and pass over this point on December 30, 2010 as he stations direct and prepares to leave the storm on January 5th - 6th, 2011. Prepare to rethink, redraw, replan, renegotiate, etc something that happens over November 22 - 23 around then (Jan 5 - 6th)! This Mercury retrograde will stir up the most trouble for Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius - particularly the degrees ranging from 19 - 30 degrees (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) and 0 - 6 degrees (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra). Check your natal charts to see where your Sun (or other planets, points, etc) lie in any of these signs to see how this Mercury retro will affect you (or let me do it for you! Online Consultations and Readings).
On December 5th, Mercury enters its 'Storm'...
Read more
27 October 2010
November 2010 Erotic Love Scopes ~ Sex Scopes ~ Scopes from Venus
Aries Sex Scope
Your sex life is up for review in November as you find yourself haunted by past memories early in the month. Perhaps you are longing for the good old days when you had more interest...
There’s a lot to talk about with a partner throughout the month of November and if you are willing to open yourself up and be a bit more vulnerable it is possible that you can finally make...
Your sex life is up for review in November as you find yourself haunted by past memories early in the month. Perhaps you are longing for the good old days when you had more interest...
There’s a lot to talk about with a partner throughout the month of November and if you are willing to open yourself up and be a bit more vulnerable it is possible that you can finally make...
You’ve been working hard and most of your energy has been funneled into your professional growth, whether out of necessity or simply a desire to get ahead. This will remain true early...
You’re looking for love but prior commitments or current relationships may need to be taken care of before you put too much energy into sweeping someone new off their feet. Maybe your...
A new door is slowly opening up regarding your home life and your living situation. If you’ve been fed up with the people you live with, it is past time to get away for a bit and catch your...
Your ideas are what is important in November and most of you will want to share them with others in as many ways as possible. You may be in the process of bringing several different...
Gaining emotional, intellectual, or financial security – perhaps all three – is the focus in November. You feel a need to build up a more secure foundation both materially and spiritually...
The spotlight is on and you may actually enjoy basking in it as others are striving to capture your attention. You aren’t always the most social of people but in November you are willing to put...
You’ve a lot of internal processing to do in November. You feel eager to make serious changes in your life, but there is quite a bit of confusion as old fears may rise up to prevent you from...
Social activities may be prominent throughout November and you will certainly be involved in widening your network and strengthening ties within your existing circle. You may need others...
You want to be noticed and may use your personality or looks to attract attention. This could entail a whole new makeover or simply just being more open and willing to express your true...
Confidence is a very attractive quality and you are feeling it in November. Others will notice that you are ready to go after what you want and will come to realize that you are driven to accomplish...
25 September 2010
October 2010 Erotic Love Scopes - Love, Life, & Relating Horoscopes
Aries Sex Scope
Startling dreams or thought patterns may mark the beginning of October as you struggle to reorganize your life. If you feel overwhelmed by the sudden changes that have recently taken place, try to get...
Taurus Sex Scope
You may have previously failed to make the connection between your state of health and your most intimate relationships, but in October you will realize that your happiness...
Gemini Sex Scope
October promises that most of you will be deeply involved and feeling committed to a lover or a project that lies close to your heart…for those of you with children, it may manifest as a desire...
Cancer Sex Scope
Focusing on your home life and any property you own may be necessary in October. The New Moon in Libra on the 7th will mark the entire month as one in which you need to consider...
Leo Sex Scope
You’ll be on the move for much of October and could feel quite scattered or pulled in several different directions. Spending time with siblings (or friends who are like a...
Virgo Sex Scope
It’s time to look over your savings plan and take inventory of all of your material possessions so you can get a clear perspective on where you stand financially. Although you may not...
Libra Sex Scope
There’s a deep need to think about your own wellbeing in October. You tend to repress your own needs in order to maintain harmony in your relationships and to keep the peace but the expense...
Scorpio Sex Scope
You may feel unsettled as messages arise deep from within your subconscious in October…they may arrive vividly in your dreams or even waking ‘knowings’…a-ha moments that will take...
Sagittarius Sex Scope
No matter how hard you try to please your social circle and fit in, something may feel amiss in October. You may be moving in a crowd that no longer really fits who you are or fails to...
Capricorn Sex Scope
The intensity of the past few months may wane a bit in October, leaving you with space to consider your current situation and what you’d like to change in both your professional...
Aquarius Sex Scope
Educational, philosophical, or spiritual needs are highlighted in October and you will feel a great need to really sort things out and establish a more firm foundation for your future goals...
Pisces Sex Scope
October may begin with something of an intellectual or mental bang as you become aware of deeply embedded issues in your life. With Uranus and Jupiter teamed up and back in your sign...
Read them all...
Startling dreams or thought patterns may mark the beginning of October as you struggle to reorganize your life. If you feel overwhelmed by the sudden changes that have recently taken place, try to get...
Taurus Sex Scope
You may have previously failed to make the connection between your state of health and your most intimate relationships, but in October you will realize that your happiness...
Gemini Sex Scope
October promises that most of you will be deeply involved and feeling committed to a lover or a project that lies close to your heart…for those of you with children, it may manifest as a desire...
Cancer Sex Scope
Focusing on your home life and any property you own may be necessary in October. The New Moon in Libra on the 7th will mark the entire month as one in which you need to consider...
Leo Sex Scope
You’ll be on the move for much of October and could feel quite scattered or pulled in several different directions. Spending time with siblings (or friends who are like a...
Virgo Sex Scope
It’s time to look over your savings plan and take inventory of all of your material possessions so you can get a clear perspective on where you stand financially. Although you may not...
Libra Sex Scope
There’s a deep need to think about your own wellbeing in October. You tend to repress your own needs in order to maintain harmony in your relationships and to keep the peace but the expense...
Scorpio Sex Scope
You may feel unsettled as messages arise deep from within your subconscious in October…they may arrive vividly in your dreams or even waking ‘knowings’…a-ha moments that will take...
Sagittarius Sex Scope
No matter how hard you try to please your social circle and fit in, something may feel amiss in October. You may be moving in a crowd that no longer really fits who you are or fails to...
Capricorn Sex Scope
The intensity of the past few months may wane a bit in October, leaving you with space to consider your current situation and what you’d like to change in both your professional...
Aquarius Sex Scope
Educational, philosophical, or spiritual needs are highlighted in October and you will feel a great need to really sort things out and establish a more firm foundation for your future goals...
Pisces Sex Scope
October may begin with something of an intellectual or mental bang as you become aware of deeply embedded issues in your life. With Uranus and Jupiter teamed up and back in your sign...
Read them all...
28 August 2010
Bite the Poisoned Apple - The Dark Side of the Moon & Venus in Aspect
Many astrological cookbooks treat the Moon – Venus aspect as very congenial...just excellent. I've read somewhere, though I can't remember where, that this is the 'milk and cookie' aspect. Ironically, this may not be too far from the truth, at least for the women with this aspect. As someone who has Venus conjunct Jupiter and the Moon, I not only have professional experience working with others with the Moon and Venus in aspect, but also dramatic personal experience. The Moon - Venus aspect has a distinctively darker side that is rarely mentioned; thus, my interest in bringing more attention to how this aspect can function in a harmful - yet Soul-evolving - way than what has so (too) often been written.
Please be aware that aspects taken out of context of the whole chart can be misleading; despite this potential, it is often useful to examine each individual piece of the puzzle first before integrating the entire chart. Thlook at the Moon & Venus in aspect is an exercise in examining just one small piece of a very complicated and intriguing puzzle - that of an individual Soul and what is represented in his or her natal chart.
The Initiation
The poisoned apple and the sleeping death brought to us so vividly in the story of Snow White can be viewed as an analogy to the Moon (Sleep, Dream-world, Unconscious) and Venus (the Apple has long been associated with Venus and the feminine, love, fertility) in aspect.
Biting the Apple (a Mars action – penetration) leads to a deeper understanding and awakening of womanhood or the feminine, but one must experience ‘love’s first kiss’ in order to be truly initiated.
A simple hug or kiss can turn into the ‘poisoned apple’ (tainted love) without warning or understanding. The initiation (recognition that one is changing – becoming a woman, becoming fertile) can feel like the death of her relationship with her father…and her mother.
Mother as the Wicked Queen (or evil witch)
Please be aware that aspects taken out of context of the whole chart can be misleading; despite this potential, it is often useful to examine each individual piece of the puzzle first before integrating the entire chart. Thlook at the Moon & Venus in aspect is an exercise in examining just one small piece of a very complicated and intriguing puzzle - that of an individual Soul and what is represented in his or her natal chart.
The Initiation
The poisoned apple and the sleeping death brought to us so vividly in the story of Snow White can be viewed as an analogy to the Moon (Sleep, Dream-world, Unconscious) and Venus (the Apple has long been associated with Venus and the feminine, love, fertility) in aspect.
Biting the Apple (a Mars action – penetration) leads to a deeper understanding and awakening of womanhood or the feminine, but one must experience ‘love’s first kiss’ in order to be truly initiated.
The Moon – Venus aspect can become ‘poisoned’ and painful at adolescence. The first love is a rite of passage for these individuals and often, our first love is our parent of the opposite sex. Yet, as the Moon-Venus individual blossoms into womanhood, she may be suddenly thrust away from her father or shamed (by her mother or other female role model) for expressing her love and affection in a natural way.
A simple hug or kiss can turn into the ‘poisoned apple’ (tainted love) without warning or understanding. The initiation (recognition that one is changing – becoming a woman, becoming fertile) can feel like the death of her relationship with her father…and her mother.
Mother as the Wicked Queen (or evil witch)
The Moon-Venus individual’s Mother (or other mother figure) may feel uncomfortable with her daughter’s blush of adolescent beauty. She may feel that she is in decline and her own concern of her loss of beauty (Venus) through aging is amplified by her confrontation with the Moon-Venus child’s innocent erotic power. When she looks in her magic mirror, the mother is no longer the fairest in the land. If the mother is unable to embrace the beauty in wisdom (the apple) of her approaching Hecate phase, she will – consciously or unconsciously – begin poisoning her daughter psychologically with mixed messages and signals.
14 August 2010
The Cauldron bubbles – the 2nd Jupiter – Saturn Opposition, August 2010
As we approach the 2nd Jupiter-Saturn opposition in the current cycle, Saturn has moved back into Libra and Jupiter remains in Aries, albeit in retrograde motion. This opposition will occur on August 16, 2010 at 2’26 Libra (Saturn) and 2’26 Aries (Jupiter) at 3:24 pm US EDT. The Sabian Symbol for 2 degrees Aries is A Comedian Reveals Human Nature…perhaps it would be more fitting to consider the ‘comedian’ in this case to be more like the Fool in the Tarot. The Fool is a very Jupiterian symbol; he can appear foolish to Saturn because he trusts in the Universal unfolding to such an extent that he can step off a cliff with a smile on his face. Saturn would be literally petrified at the possibility of rushing headlong into the future without safeguards and guarantees. Jupiter sees potential and takes risks with passion, often rushing headlong into situations because he has faith in his own ability to deal with whatever lies ahead. He also has faith in the Universe, something Saturn simply can’t comprehend with his need to protect and hold on to everything from the past. Saturn fears change unless he is in control of the physical building of the structure. The perfection of the Sabian Symbol for this Jupiter-Saturn opposition must be remarked upon. The Comedian (Jupiter, the Fool) reveals Human Nature…what is more common to humanity than Saturn’s tragic fears? Saturn fears becoming something more than the physical; he strives to maintain boundaries that can be touched or physically experienced. He needs to know something is real, yet he only believes in his own definition of reality. Jupiter is oh, so much more…everything beyond the physical is the realm where Jupiter likes to play. He is at home in the Spirit world of intuition, philosophy, and inspiration…he revels in the fires of Hope…he is a visionary taking a gamble with life as he reaches for all that can’t be seen in the great beyond.
When Jupiter and Saturn face each other across the Zodiac, Jupiter is pushing Saturn to transform his attitude and his approach to life. With Saturn in Libra, the transformation longed for (or expected) will affect our relationships and how we perceive our role within them. Jupiter in Aries is impatient and eager to make changes, and his retrograde position makes his thrust for inner change all the more potent. Retrograde planets help us to utilize a planetary energy in an alternative way…with Jupiter in Aries retrograde, we turn more inward and focus on our personal visions and understanding. It is a time to develop a stronger personal philosophy which suits who you are now rather than basing your beliefs – and actions – on worn out criteria. Jupiter wants to shake Saturn up and make him see that there is great potential for personal, spiritual growth in an erotic (transformative) relationship.
Eros, the God of Love
, in Plato’s Symposium, “is a coming to life in beauty in relation to both body and soul” and in Richard Idemon’s words “Eros occurs when two or more separate entities combine in such a way that they are totally transformed by the experience” (Through the Looking Glass
, pg 130). Erotic love is transformative love. If we are caught up in a relationship that no longer supports our growth and potential – or worse, prevents that very thing - this opposition between Jupiter retrograde in Aries and Saturn in Libra will make us very uncomfortable as we come to the realization that we are being dishonest and phony not only in our relationship, but with our own True Self! Focusing too much on Saturn – security and the known – leaves a deep void if we struggle to retain old structures and relinquish the joy that can be found when we let go and step off that cliff. If we look at Saturn’s Sabian Symbol for the 2nd opposition, we have The Transmutation Of The Fruits Of Past Experiences Into The Seed-Realizations Of The Forever Creative Spirit. Difficult past experiences and restrictions (Saturn) in our relationships have helped bring us to this point of self-understanding…we are becoming aware of our need for a more erotic love, a love that supports the development of our Creative Spirit (Jupiter!).
Bubbles of discontent will begin rising to the surface of our consciousness more rapidly during this 2nd opposition. Saturn is in the alchemist’s cauldron and Jupiter has lit the flames beneath with his passionate new hopes and visions for a more erotic future. Jupiter is boiling Saturn alive within the cauldron, forcing him to change his patterns, his beliefs, and his ideas of what relationship and relating mean. This may not be a fast and sudden process – though with Uranus and Pluto involved, it may well be for some of us – no, it can take time to transmute Saturn’s prima material into uncommon gold. At this opposition we are embedded in the cardinal t-square, with Saturn and Jupiter squaring Pluto in Capricorn (2’59 degrees). As we’ve already looked at the Sabian Symbol
for both Saturn and Libra, let’s consider Pluto’s involvement. The symbol for 3 degrees of Capricorn is A Human Soul, In Its Eagerness For New Experiences, Seeks Embodiment. Embodiment. A Soul seeking Embodiment…Jupiter pulls the Soul up out of Saturn’s prison and Pluto
transforms it into something – someone – new through NEW experiences. This is a cardinal t-square. There is going to be great pressure to make changes so that our true beings can arise from deep within and then…and then be thrust back into body almost as a new entity. This is the power of seeking out and being involved in an erotic (transformative) relationship.
Transformation is the key word for the 2nd Jupiter-Saturn opposition and the cardinal t-square. This is reaffirmed – as if we need any further clues! – by
Black Moon Lilith
sextile Pluto and Pallas sextile/trine the nodal axis. In Karmic astrology, many of us use wider orbs and I would not hesitate to suggest that Pluto is conjunct the North Node and functioning on a karmic level. If your current partnership is an unhappy, karmic one, you can expect further difficulties to arise between you at this time. The Moon is in Scorpio at the time of the opposition, enhancing the Plutonian energy of the t-square as Pluto ravages Saturn’s Capricornian lair. Another very interesting aspect at the time of the opposition is the Sun in square to Sedna . The Sun, our Creative Spirit, in his own domain (Leo) squaring Sedna, the Goddess of the Deep
– who has a deep need for fulfillment of physical security needs – in Taurus, the sign of physical needs. This is a secondary ‘battle’ very similar to the one ongoing between Saturn (form) and Jupiter (Spirit) and take careful note of the following – Sedna is at the same zodiac degree as the last Saturn-Jupiter conjunction on May 28, 2000. 22-23 degrees Taurus. A Jewelry Shop Filled With Valuable Gems. This is truly a war between our own security-driven needs and our ability to have faith in our future. Do we trust ourselves – Jupiter in Aries retrograde – to make a difference in our OWN lives? Do we really need all the trappings and gems of the material world? Are you willing to sacrifice your own Spirit in order to maintain Saturn’s comforts? What did you begin in May 2000 that brings you material security but may inhibit your own alchemical transformation?
How you answer these questions depends on your own natal chart, your personality, and your mind-set…but be warned, this is Jupiter’s main purpose at this time – to make us aware of how we are lying to ourselves about our relationships and our ability to relate on a higher level. It’s intense, but being inside a cauldron tends to be that way! And I haven’t even mentioned the upcoming Venus-Mars conjunction in Libra in square to the nodal axis. If any two immortals enjoyed an erotic relationship, it was Venus and Mars. Their union rocked the entire pantheon and, in some myths, created Eros himself. Their upcoming rendezvous will last for 5 days (August 17 – 22nd) in Venus’ own sign, where she tantalizes, disarms, and satisfies Mars in a way no other Goddess could. This is Love…Erotic, transformative Love. We have to look deeply now, deep into our own situation and into our own relationship beliefs, and determine if we are ready to be true to our self and to the greater Universe for each of us are our own little Universe, encased in flesh, grounded in human form. When we are able to be the Fool and to trust and have faith in higher process, we are at once a building block for Higher Source and a Universe in our own right. It is our responsibility to become, to grow, to evolve...the fears we face are but obstacles on the path making us ever more resilient and ever stronger a foundational block upon which to build. This is the meaning of the 2nd Jupiter – Saturn opposition square to Pluto.
As Jupiter and Pluto work their magic on Saturn, boiling him down in order to rebuild and reshape his beliefs, we have 2 - 3 degrees Cancer as the outlet to the t-square. The Sabian Symbol for 2 Cancer is A Man On A Magic Carpet Hovers Over A Large Area Of Land…Jupiter and Pluto combined are the Magic Carpet hovering over the Land (Saturn). While they fly overhead they come upon A Man Bundled In Fur Leading A Shaggy Deer (3 Cancer). This is the PIONEER (Jupiter in Aries) showing the shaggy deer (Saturn) the way forward through the icy tundra (Pluto)…you may feel alone as you navigate this new territory, but it is time to be true to your heart despite the difficulties that lie ahead. This may be very much an inner process at this time as Jupiter is retrograde, but what you come to understand and transform within your own being and how you relate to others will externalize and manifest more concretely by the 3rd and final opposition on March 28, 2011. With Saturn retrograde and the Sun (Aries) square to Pluto at that time, it will be a time to break out of frustrations, reassess or break past commitments, and welcome the inner Pioneer within as we lay the groundwork for a more transformative, soul-inspiring relationship that will enable and support us on our own individual evolutionary journey . Most of us will be unable to continue in a situation that no longer serves our own being. The following quote by Mother Jones
fits the Aries-Libra-Capricorn t-square beautifully:
When Jupiter and Saturn face each other across the Zodiac, Jupiter is pushing Saturn to transform his attitude and his approach to life. With Saturn in Libra, the transformation longed for (or expected) will affect our relationships and how we perceive our role within them. Jupiter in Aries is impatient and eager to make changes, and his retrograde position makes his thrust for inner change all the more potent. Retrograde planets help us to utilize a planetary energy in an alternative way…with Jupiter in Aries retrograde, we turn more inward and focus on our personal visions and understanding. It is a time to develop a stronger personal philosophy which suits who you are now rather than basing your beliefs – and actions – on worn out criteria. Jupiter wants to shake Saturn up and make him see that there is great potential for personal, spiritual growth in an erotic (transformative) relationship.
Bubbles of discontent will begin rising to the surface of our consciousness more rapidly during this 2nd opposition. Saturn is in the alchemist’s cauldron and Jupiter has lit the flames beneath with his passionate new hopes and visions for a more erotic future. Jupiter is boiling Saturn alive within the cauldron, forcing him to change his patterns, his beliefs, and his ideas of what relationship and relating mean. This may not be a fast and sudden process – though with Uranus and Pluto involved, it may well be for some of us – no, it can take time to transmute Saturn’s prima material into uncommon gold. At this opposition we are embedded in the cardinal t-square, with Saturn and Jupiter squaring Pluto in Capricorn (2’59 degrees). As we’ve already looked at the Sabian Symbol
Transformation is the key word for the 2nd Jupiter-Saturn opposition and the cardinal t-square. This is reaffirmed – as if we need any further clues! – by
How you answer these questions depends on your own natal chart, your personality, and your mind-set…but be warned, this is Jupiter’s main purpose at this time – to make us aware of how we are lying to ourselves about our relationships and our ability to relate on a higher level. It’s intense, but being inside a cauldron tends to be that way! And I haven’t even mentioned the upcoming Venus-Mars conjunction in Libra in square to the nodal axis. If any two immortals enjoyed an erotic relationship, it was Venus and Mars. Their union rocked the entire pantheon and, in some myths, created Eros himself. Their upcoming rendezvous will last for 5 days (August 17 – 22nd) in Venus’ own sign, where she tantalizes, disarms, and satisfies Mars in a way no other Goddess could. This is Love…Erotic, transformative Love. We have to look deeply now, deep into our own situation and into our own relationship beliefs, and determine if we are ready to be true to our self and to the greater Universe for each of us are our own little Universe, encased in flesh, grounded in human form. When we are able to be the Fool and to trust and have faith in higher process, we are at once a building block for Higher Source and a Universe in our own right. It is our responsibility to become, to grow, to evolve...the fears we face are but obstacles on the path making us ever more resilient and ever stronger a foundational block upon which to build. This is the meaning of the 2nd Jupiter – Saturn opposition square to Pluto.
As Jupiter and Pluto work their magic on Saturn, boiling him down in order to rebuild and reshape his beliefs, we have 2 - 3 degrees Cancer as the outlet to the t-square. The Sabian Symbol for 2 Cancer is A Man On A Magic Carpet Hovers Over A Large Area Of Land…Jupiter and Pluto combined are the Magic Carpet hovering over the Land (Saturn). While they fly overhead they come upon A Man Bundled In Fur Leading A Shaggy Deer (3 Cancer). This is the PIONEER (Jupiter in Aries) showing the shaggy deer (Saturn) the way forward through the icy tundra (Pluto)…you may feel alone as you navigate this new territory, but it is time to be true to your heart despite the difficulties that lie ahead. This may be very much an inner process at this time as Jupiter is retrograde, but what you come to understand and transform within your own being and how you relate to others will externalize and manifest more concretely by the 3rd and final opposition on March 28, 2011. With Saturn retrograde and the Sun (Aries) square to Pluto at that time, it will be a time to break out of frustrations, reassess or break past commitments, and welcome the inner Pioneer within as we lay the groundwork for a more transformative, soul-inspiring relationship that will enable and support us on our own individual evolutionary journey . Most of us will be unable to continue in a situation that no longer serves our own being. The following quote by Mother Jones
“Injustice boils in men's hearts as does steel in its cauldron, ready to pour forth, white hot, in the fullness of time”
The Opposition chart is below:
25 July 2010
Mercury Retrograde...coming soon to a place near you!
We will enter the Mercury retrograde 'shadow' period at 5’22 degrees of Virgo on August 1, 2010 - Mercury will return to this degree again and pass over this point September 12, 2010 as he stations direct and prepares to leave the storm on September 17 - 18th. Prepare to rethink, redraw, replan, renegotiate, etc something that happens over August 1 - 2 around then (Sept 17 - 18)! This Mercury retrograde will stir up the most trouble for Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius - particularly the degrees ranging from 5 - 19 degrees. Check your natal charts to see where your Sun (or other planets, points, etc) lie in any of these signs to see how this Mercury retro will affect you (or let me do it for you! Online Consultations and Readings).
On August 12th, Mercury enters its 'Storm' (this is when the planet moves less than 40 minutes of arc per day) so if you have a lot of things you need to get started, I advise you get it moving now...
Read the rest of the Mercury retrograde information, including Mercury retrograde in Virgo
August 2010 Erotic Love Scopes - Eroscopes - Sex Scopes - Scopes from Venus
If you access prior to August 1st, you will need to scroll down below July to see August on the individual horoscope pages.
Aries Sex Scope
August may bring a surprise in the love department as a lover may make unexpected demands that you aren’t quite prepared to meet, although you may put on a good show and pretend to go along – for now. If you...
Taurus Sex Scope
It’s time to focus on your health and what you can do in your daily life to get your stress levels under control. You may need to rearrange your professional responsibilities so that you aren’t the only one making an effort to...
Gemini Sex Scope
You may feel like you are driving with one foot on the brakes when it comes to your love life in August…if you are feeling unsettled, you may have good reason to be. Take a closer look at your living arrangements and who...
Cancer Sex Scope
You’ll feel more confident in your ability to take control of your life in August, and this may include changing your attitude toward yourself and how you present yourself to the world. There will be bumps along...
Leo Sex Scope
The spotlight is on even if you are struggling to stay out of it this time around…no matter what you do this month, others will look for you and want to spend time with you. Although you may not feel that you...
Virgo Sex Scope
Potent energy continues to bubble beneath the surface but those around you may not be aware of your intensity as you are becoming an expert at pulling on a mask of calm indifference. While your lover may...
Libra Sex Scope
August is a month to get out of the house and spend time engaged in cultural or artistic events with your friends…that is, if you want to keep your spirits up and stimulate your own creative drive...
Scorpio Sex Scope
You’ll feel torn between the expectations of your professional and home life for much of August as others will put on the demands; you may feel you have no choice but to sacrifice one for the other at times...
Sagittarius Sex Scope
You’re in the mood for erotic attention and should attract others if you can maintain a positive attitude and impress others with your personal philosophy and grasp of the larger picture. You may not be satisfied...
Capricorn Sex Scope
Life continues to throw obstacles in your way as you work through the pain of any loss over the past few months. August is a month of purging for many of you as recent experiences have stirred up deep...
Aquarius Sex Scope
You may have to make some serious adjustments in the way you live your daily life in August. External pressure from someone close to you means that you have to compromise; there may not be any other option...
Pisces Sex Scope
If you find yourself exerting a lot of energy into creating and laying out a plan for your future early in August, keep in mind that what you want right now may shift and change several times over the next...
Read the full August 2010 Erotic Love Forecast for all 12 Zodiac Signs
28 June 2010
July 2010 Erotic Love Scopes - Eroscopes - Sex Scopes - Scopes from Venus
Aries Sex Scope
You may feel as if your entire world is being turned inside out and you are expected to know the difference between where you are going and where you’ve been. Don’t waste energy trying to decipher between the two as your future cannot...
Taurus Sex Scope
You’ll have an easier time communicating your needs, wants, and desires to a lover in July, which will help you to make very necessary changes in the relationship. It won’t be easy but you will feel lighter and more free once...
Gemini Sex Scope
Inner security and a deep sense of self-worth may seem almost impossible to embrace in July. You have your dreams and very vivid desires as to where you want to go - and with whom - but you may have trouble...
Cancer Sex Scope
You are striving forward in July as you are growing more solid in your desires and convictions; you are more aware of what you want individually than you’ve been in quite some time and while you may be unsettled and even...
Leo Sex Scope
Conflicting emotions and desires will be the driving force behind any relationship changes and difficulties you experience in July. You want others to leave you alone so you can explore your options and go...
Virgo Sex Scope
If you find yourself struggling to contain your potent erotic energy in July just keep in mind that you aren’t alone. Many of the other Virgos will be right there with you. It’s difficult, yes, but some of the other...
Libra Sex Scope
You’ll put on a good front for most of the month and keep a smile on your face at work and when you’re out with your friends, but many of you may feel very unsettled on the inside. Holding in your emotions...
Scorpio Sex Scope
Flirtations early in July could be much more serious than you realize - at first. Be careful of what you say and who you say it to because others will feel the depth of your energy even if you aren’t aware of how...
Sagittarius Sex Scope
Your focus on having your sexual needs met may conflict with your ability to get your work done in July…if you are experiencing a low period and aren’t enjoying an ongoing partnership, you may feel obsessed...
Capricorn Sex Scope
You’re feeling unstable and uncertain on a very deep level in July…almost as if your very roots have been ripped out of the ground and you aren’t sure how to go about re-establishing yourself. Some of you may...
Aquarius Sex Scope
It’s difficult but you will come to realize that you have to make some changes in how you handle your daily life in July. The people around you aren’t going to tolerate so much eccentricity now, and you will be expected...
Pisces Sex Scope
Your energy is high and focused on improving your love life in July…you may discover that your needs are shifting, or perhaps it is that you are simply becoming more aware of what you need in a relationship. If you...
Read the full July 2010 Erotic Love Forecast for all 12 Zodiac Signs
19 June 2010
Summer Solstice, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and Solar Initiation - Setting your mark and hitting the bull’s eye
At Midsummer, June 21st, the Sun is at his zenith—its highest point – as he enters Cancer. He appears to stand still to us here on earth, if only for a short time. After the Sun reaches his zenith, he begins to wane...he steps onto the path that leads to the fall harvest and eventually winter (in the northern hemisphere).
Midsummer is also called the Summer Solstice, Litha, St. John’s Eve, the Oak Festival, and Sun Blessing, to name a few. It is the longest day of the year and thus, also the shortest night of the year (this is reversed in the southern hemisphere – shortest day and longest night – it is Yule rather than Midsummer).
Symbolically, as the great Solar god moves into Cancer, males will be asked to honor their emotional needs. Over the next few months, as we all deal with the energy of the Grand Cross (which will morph back into the ongoing T-square of Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, & Jupiter once the Sun is out of orb on June 27th - 28th) as well as the upcoming Lunar (June 26, 2010) and Solar eclipse (July 11, 2010), I would not be surprised if men begin to take the lead in asking for what they want in relationships. This is a new flag in itself as that in the past, in heterosexual endings, the woman is usually the one to finalize and sever a long-term partnership. The Cancerian Solar initiation for heterosexual men may well be a deeper embrace of their feminine side, including recognizing their emotional needs, wants, and desires in partnerships; as they recognize what they are missing, they could begin to seek it with the cardinal Grand Cross and ongoing T-square, especially as Saturn re-enters relationship-oriented Libra (think balance and equality) on July 21st. The old Karmic task-master will then move forward and oppose Uranus for the last time (this time around) on July 26th.
At the time of the Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere), as the Grand Cross is created and activated, the Moon is supporting the Sun with a trine, adding to the emotional intensity. Some of us may become overly defensive or self-protective, preferring to pull back into a shell of our own creation…unfortunately, if you are the one holding on and clinging to the past and refusing to change, you will find that your shell will be shattered before the summer is through. There is no going back. No return to the womb. No return to ‘how things used to be,’ especially in relationships. Only if both you and your partner are in a total state of denial, which means you certainly aren’t reading this blog! As men are likely to take the lead now, women trying to sort out a partnership may need to check and double-check themselves and how they are behaving in their relationship. Have you been neglecting your lover? If so, it’s time to wake up and give yourself a good shake because if a lover decides to leave now, he may be half-way out the door before you know what is happening. Of course this works both ways and women are just as likely to overthrow their relationships if their needs are not being met or they’ve outgrown a partnership…this, however, won’t be as shocking as the male leaving a long-term live-in situation or marriage. Why? As previously noted, heterosexual men who have been taught to repress their emotions are usually the last to recognize or acknowledge that their relationship is a dead-end and even if they do, they may try to make it last due to a feeling of responsibility, concern over how much money they will lose in the process of divorce, or feeling obligated due to needing to be the strong man and do what is ‘right.’ These themes can play out in gay as well as straight relationships, depending on which partner is the more ‘masculine’ or solar-oriented.
I feel it is important to note the aspects to Chiron at the Solstice, as the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto are all in a tribal meeting with the sacred healer…the Chironic energy can help us to seek new paths through deeper understanding and a shift in perspective. Chiron’s Sabian Symbol is In a Crowded Marketplace Farmers and Middlemen Display A Great Variety Of Products…this can be interpreted, in the context of unsettled relationships, as the availability of others who we may bond with on a deeper level. If you feel at a loss and are in the process of separation this summer, Chiron promises that there are other fish (Chiron is at Pisces 00’50) in the sea and they may well be better suited than the unfeeling mercenary you’ve been living with. If there is still hope to work things out with a lover and revitalize a partnership, Chiron may be reminding you that if you want your partner you should always keep in mind that there are others out there who would be just as interested as you are. Juno has also just passed out of a weak Grand Cross formation as she opposed Pluto from June 15th – 18th, so issues raised in a long-term partnership during this time period will be reaffirmed and intensified when the Sun moves into this position and passes over the same degree (4 – 5 degrees Cancer) at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 26th.
The planetary ruler of the sign on your Descendant should be watched closely between the Solstice (June 21st) and the Lunar Eclipse (June 26th) for aspects made can provide clues as to what may happen for you in your relationship, as well as providing information on how to handle the energy. The aspects formed on the approach of the Lunar Eclipse will be the most powerful and resonating, but don’t expect the entire process to unfold on that day! It could take weeks to see the full results of this time period manifest in your life.
The Summer Solstice & Winter Solstice Charts are below:
The Grand Cross formation is not exactly a tight one at the Lunar Eclipse. The Moon joins Pluto at 4 degrees Capricorn and together they oppose the Sun at 4 degrees Cancer (actually 4’46 Cancer and 4’46 Capricorn; retrograde Pluto is at 4’05 Capricorn). This in itself is a powerful event. Secrets or desires can be exposed now that rock the very foundation of our perception of a relationship…or our perception of our self within that relationship. Pluto retrograde conjunct the Moon in Capricorn (approaching a sextile with Chiron) may ask us how our financial beliefs or desires are affecting us emotionally. We may come to understand that we have been sacrificing our very own Soul because our material security needs are too powerful. The Sun can shine some light on this by making us aware that our emotional needs are important too. Ask yourself, do you need to make a temporary financial sacrifice in order to improve your emotional life? If we are unhappy in our most important relationships, we are not functioning at our best…vibrating at a lower level or feeling depressed or put upon constantly means that you are not capable of living an abundant life. Monetary gain is empty and potentially difficult to come by if we are unhappy emotionally. Feeling happy gives us a glow that is naturally attractive and it raises our vibrational energy levels exponentially…happiness is a powerful attractant for all resources, money included.
Three other planets are involved in this Grand Cross…Uranus on the Aries point at 00’33, Jupiter at 2’14 Aries, and Saturn dragging behind at 28’25 Virgo. He will formally enter Libra again on July 21st, working his way toward the final exact opposition with Uranus on July 26th. Six degrees from Saturn to the Sun and Moon-Pluto is quite a large orb to use for a transit but he is pulled into it via Uranus on the Aries point…this energy will be active. In Cardinal signs, the Grand Cross suggests that we will be driven to make changes quickly, but we cannot overlook the fact that Saturn is still lagging behind in Virgo…this won’t even officially be a ‘Cardinal’ T-square until Saturn is back in Libra. Virgo, while mutable and able to shift with the tides, is a very detailed earth energy. Saturn here will slow things down as he will feel a great need to attend to the details even as Uranus and Jupiter are pulling on him in an attempt to drag him along. He will come…when he is good and ready. The Moon and Pluto are also in an earth sign, and Pluto is retrograde. There will be a need to ground the emotions and deal with all the inner turmoil and exposure as it arises. Though Saturn is going to slow things down a bit, it is likely that we need it. Aries is impatient and can overlook the importance of tying up loose ends…Saturn will ensure that the details are taken care of and will feel pressured to do so quickly. The Lunar Eclipse Grand Cross suggests that much of what we experience will take place internally as Pluto churns things up for review…we may find ourselves beginning to take care of the details as fast as possible so that we may begin to make an opening in our life for a new journey. The Sun is going to highlight our emotional needs while the Moon and Pluto examine how our security needs are preventing us from attracting all the good and wonderfully unique experiences (Jupiter and Uranus) we desire into our lives. Grand Cross energy is intense, dynamic, and motivating…but it is a closed circuit and it can bounce back and forth – corner to corner – within our beings unless we make a conscious effort to focus our energy and take small but necessary steps to create what we desire.
The good news is that while this energy will resonate for a while due to the Lunar eclipses involvement, we will not be caught up in the Grand Cross for very long. The Sun will be on his way by June 28th, releasing us back into the arms of the (almost) Cardinal T-square…and a T-square IS dynamic and will push us to push ourselves out of our stale beliefs, perspectives, and relationships. Things will really start heating up in July, with a Solar Eclipse in Cancer and Saturn’s approach to Libra, which will form the Cardinal T-square with an outlet point of 0 – 3 degrees Cancer. It’s a time where we will realize that in order to nurture our selves we must take a very close look at our relationships, our financial security issues, and our individual needs. We will come to a deep understanding of how old Soul desires that no longer suit us can capture and exhaust us. To revitalize our own Selves, we need to break out of old patterns and embrace what makes us happy now. Sometimes we must relinquish things in our lives we never dreamed we’d want to let go of but if you wake up in the morning and your relationship (or home or job) seems like a prison cell, then the sell by date has long since passed. Soul satisfaction is not just a desire, it is a need…during this unsettled yet dynamic summer (or winter, if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) find what (or who) makes you happy, aim carefully, and pull the string of the Cardinal T-square back with trust and certainty that you will hit the mark.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer Chart follows:
Midsummer is also called the Summer Solstice, Litha, St. John’s Eve, the Oak Festival, and Sun Blessing, to name a few. It is the longest day of the year and thus, also the shortest night of the year (this is reversed in the southern hemisphere – shortest day and longest night – it is Yule rather than Midsummer).
In 2010, the Sun’s move into Cancer acts as an initiation, preparing us for the increasing potency of the (almost) Cardinal Grand Cross which will culminate in intensity at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 26, 2010 at 7:30 am (US EDT). The Sabian Symbol upon the Sun’s entry into Cancer is On a Ship The Sailors Lower An Old Flag And Raise A New One…and as the Universe is always perfect, this symbol, too, is perfect for the upcoming grand cross. This IS a time of initiation for all of us, but particularly for those of us with planets resting at 0 – 4 degrees in the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, & Capricorn) as well as those with planets in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) at 28 – 29 degrees. The imagery of a flag being lowered and replaced is a sign of great upheaval and change. It is the image of one country taking over another; an image of a pirate capturing a ship and raising the crossbones; an image of a stale relationship ending while a new one is initiated. This isn’t about simply entering into a new phase of life, it is about endings as well as a new beginning. It can be exciting and terrifying all at once, depending on your own situation and personality.
Symbolically, as the great Solar god moves into Cancer, males will be asked to honor their emotional needs. Over the next few months, as we all deal with the energy of the Grand Cross (which will morph back into the ongoing T-square of Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, & Jupiter once the Sun is out of orb on June 27th - 28th) as well as the upcoming Lunar (June 26, 2010) and Solar eclipse (July 11, 2010), I would not be surprised if men begin to take the lead in asking for what they want in relationships. This is a new flag in itself as that in the past, in heterosexual endings, the woman is usually the one to finalize and sever a long-term partnership. The Cancerian Solar initiation for heterosexual men may well be a deeper embrace of their feminine side, including recognizing their emotional needs, wants, and desires in partnerships; as they recognize what they are missing, they could begin to seek it with the cardinal Grand Cross and ongoing T-square, especially as Saturn re-enters relationship-oriented Libra (think balance and equality) on July 21st. The old Karmic task-master will then move forward and oppose Uranus for the last time (this time around) on July 26th.
At the time of the Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere), as the Grand Cross is created and activated, the Moon is supporting the Sun with a trine, adding to the emotional intensity. Some of us may become overly defensive or self-protective, preferring to pull back into a shell of our own creation…unfortunately, if you are the one holding on and clinging to the past and refusing to change, you will find that your shell will be shattered before the summer is through. There is no going back. No return to the womb. No return to ‘how things used to be,’ especially in relationships. Only if both you and your partner are in a total state of denial, which means you certainly aren’t reading this blog! As men are likely to take the lead now, women trying to sort out a partnership may need to check and double-check themselves and how they are behaving in their relationship. Have you been neglecting your lover? If so, it’s time to wake up and give yourself a good shake because if a lover decides to leave now, he may be half-way out the door before you know what is happening. Of course this works both ways and women are just as likely to overthrow their relationships if their needs are not being met or they’ve outgrown a partnership…this, however, won’t be as shocking as the male leaving a long-term live-in situation or marriage. Why? As previously noted, heterosexual men who have been taught to repress their emotions are usually the last to recognize or acknowledge that their relationship is a dead-end and even if they do, they may try to make it last due to a feeling of responsibility, concern over how much money they will lose in the process of divorce, or feeling obligated due to needing to be the strong man and do what is ‘right.’ These themes can play out in gay as well as straight relationships, depending on which partner is the more ‘masculine’ or solar-oriented.
I feel it is important to note the aspects to Chiron at the Solstice, as the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto are all in a tribal meeting with the sacred healer…the Chironic energy can help us to seek new paths through deeper understanding and a shift in perspective. Chiron’s Sabian Symbol is In a Crowded Marketplace Farmers and Middlemen Display A Great Variety Of Products…this can be interpreted, in the context of unsettled relationships, as the availability of others who we may bond with on a deeper level. If you feel at a loss and are in the process of separation this summer, Chiron promises that there are other fish (Chiron is at Pisces 00’50) in the sea and they may well be better suited than the unfeeling mercenary you’ve been living with. If there is still hope to work things out with a lover and revitalize a partnership, Chiron may be reminding you that if you want your partner you should always keep in mind that there are others out there who would be just as interested as you are. Juno has also just passed out of a weak Grand Cross formation as she opposed Pluto from June 15th – 18th, so issues raised in a long-term partnership during this time period will be reaffirmed and intensified when the Sun moves into this position and passes over the same degree (4 – 5 degrees Cancer) at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 26th.
The planetary ruler of the sign on your Descendant should be watched closely between the Solstice (June 21st) and the Lunar Eclipse (June 26th) for aspects made can provide clues as to what may happen for you in your relationship, as well as providing information on how to handle the energy. The aspects formed on the approach of the Lunar Eclipse will be the most powerful and resonating, but don’t expect the entire process to unfold on that day! It could take weeks to see the full results of this time period manifest in your life.
The Summer Solstice & Winter Solstice Charts are below:
The Grand Cross formation is not exactly a tight one at the Lunar Eclipse. The Moon joins Pluto at 4 degrees Capricorn and together they oppose the Sun at 4 degrees Cancer (actually 4’46 Cancer and 4’46 Capricorn; retrograde Pluto is at 4’05 Capricorn). This in itself is a powerful event. Secrets or desires can be exposed now that rock the very foundation of our perception of a relationship…or our perception of our self within that relationship. Pluto retrograde conjunct the Moon in Capricorn (approaching a sextile with Chiron) may ask us how our financial beliefs or desires are affecting us emotionally. We may come to understand that we have been sacrificing our very own Soul because our material security needs are too powerful. The Sun can shine some light on this by making us aware that our emotional needs are important too. Ask yourself, do you need to make a temporary financial sacrifice in order to improve your emotional life? If we are unhappy in our most important relationships, we are not functioning at our best…vibrating at a lower level or feeling depressed or put upon constantly means that you are not capable of living an abundant life. Monetary gain is empty and potentially difficult to come by if we are unhappy emotionally. Feeling happy gives us a glow that is naturally attractive and it raises our vibrational energy levels exponentially…happiness is a powerful attractant for all resources, money included.
Three other planets are involved in this Grand Cross…Uranus on the Aries point at 00’33, Jupiter at 2’14 Aries, and Saturn dragging behind at 28’25 Virgo. He will formally enter Libra again on July 21st, working his way toward the final exact opposition with Uranus on July 26th. Six degrees from Saturn to the Sun and Moon-Pluto is quite a large orb to use for a transit but he is pulled into it via Uranus on the Aries point…this energy will be active. In Cardinal signs, the Grand Cross suggests that we will be driven to make changes quickly, but we cannot overlook the fact that Saturn is still lagging behind in Virgo…this won’t even officially be a ‘Cardinal’ T-square until Saturn is back in Libra. Virgo, while mutable and able to shift with the tides, is a very detailed earth energy. Saturn here will slow things down as he will feel a great need to attend to the details even as Uranus and Jupiter are pulling on him in an attempt to drag him along. He will come…when he is good and ready. The Moon and Pluto are also in an earth sign, and Pluto is retrograde. There will be a need to ground the emotions and deal with all the inner turmoil and exposure as it arises. Though Saturn is going to slow things down a bit, it is likely that we need it. Aries is impatient and can overlook the importance of tying up loose ends…Saturn will ensure that the details are taken care of and will feel pressured to do so quickly. The Lunar Eclipse Grand Cross suggests that much of what we experience will take place internally as Pluto churns things up for review…we may find ourselves beginning to take care of the details as fast as possible so that we may begin to make an opening in our life for a new journey. The Sun is going to highlight our emotional needs while the Moon and Pluto examine how our security needs are preventing us from attracting all the good and wonderfully unique experiences (Jupiter and Uranus) we desire into our lives. Grand Cross energy is intense, dynamic, and motivating…but it is a closed circuit and it can bounce back and forth – corner to corner – within our beings unless we make a conscious effort to focus our energy and take small but necessary steps to create what we desire.
The good news is that while this energy will resonate for a while due to the Lunar eclipses involvement, we will not be caught up in the Grand Cross for very long. The Sun will be on his way by June 28th, releasing us back into the arms of the (almost) Cardinal T-square…and a T-square IS dynamic and will push us to push ourselves out of our stale beliefs, perspectives, and relationships. Things will really start heating up in July, with a Solar Eclipse in Cancer and Saturn’s approach to Libra, which will form the Cardinal T-square with an outlet point of 0 – 3 degrees Cancer. It’s a time where we will realize that in order to nurture our selves we must take a very close look at our relationships, our financial security issues, and our individual needs. We will come to a deep understanding of how old Soul desires that no longer suit us can capture and exhaust us. To revitalize our own Selves, we need to break out of old patterns and embrace what makes us happy now. Sometimes we must relinquish things in our lives we never dreamed we’d want to let go of but if you wake up in the morning and your relationship (or home or job) seems like a prison cell, then the sell by date has long since passed. Soul satisfaction is not just a desire, it is a need…during this unsettled yet dynamic summer (or winter, if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) find what (or who) makes you happy, aim carefully, and pull the string of the Cardinal T-square back with trust and certainty that you will hit the mark.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer Chart follows:
16 May 2010
The Jupiter-Saturn Opposition and the potent relationship brew
The stagnation of the past several weeks eases up as the wheel begins to turn at a faster pace, bringing Jupiter at 27’52 Pisces into his first of three oppositions with the old Sea Goat Saturn at 27’52 Virgo on May 23, 2010 at 1:04 am US EDT. This is a powerful confrontation marking the culmination of a ten year build up in intensity, which began at the last Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus at 22’42 degrees on May 28, 2000. On a personal level, think about what began in your life around that time and how it has changed your life. For me, personally, the conjunction took place on my Saturn-Juno conjunction in the 8th house…this was my first Saturn return and brought the gift of astrology more vividly into my world (trine my Mercury/Pluto conjunction on the 12th house cusp, sesquiquadrate my Uranus). Throughout the past ten years I have been studying and working hard, indulging myself thoroughly in this love and turning it outward to help others understand their lives and personalities on a deeper level. What did this energy do for you personally? What have you been developing and working on since that time?
Being not only an astrologer but very much a relationship astrologer, I cannot talk about a major astrological event without discussing how it may potentially affect us in our relationships. As always, it depends on your personal chart and current relational circumstance, but if we take a closer look at the exact opposition chart, there are several tense relationship markers. Lovely Venus is caught up in Pluto’s intense gaze as she enters into an opposition aspect with the Dark Lord, shortly after having important, perhaps secretive, discussions with bombastic Uranus on May 19th. Pluto wants to know what is going on; what insight did Venus gain from her rendezvous with Uranus? With Venus making recent Neptune and Chiron connections as well, it is a clear message that many of us have been concerned about our relationships and their direction. We see support for this conclusion with Venus in contact with our Mother dwarf planet Ceres, asteroid Hygeia, and her approaching trine to Pallas at the time of the Jupiter-Saturn opposition. Uranus may have filled her head with very vivid and fantastic ideas about how to improve her love life, whether that means leaving a relationship for greener fields or making the most of what is available in a present relationship in order to revitalize it. With the background of the Uranus-Saturn opposition lingering, many of us are unsatisfied with how our relationships are progressing. The old ways no longer work. As Jupiter opposes Saturn and we look back over the past ten years, we may realize that a relationship begun (or one that changed) around the time of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 2000 simply is not what we need any longer. If this is true for you, take the positive memories and developments (especially any children born during the past 10 years), and let go of what isn’t working. This may mean that you and your partner need to revitalize the entire connection from the ground up. Or it may mean that it is literally time to let go, move on, and heal. Chiron and Hygeia in connection to Venus are present for a reason. Healing is needed, whatever that means for you in your personal circumstances. Pluto and Pallas are waiting in the wings to help Venus transform her situation and find happiness for who she is becoming now. Pluto in Capricorn will help to transform old relationship structures while Pallas in Scorpio will dig, dig, dig for the truth, enabling Venus to find her way around obstacles and transform her vision of what she is capable of. With Venus in the sign of home-loving, nurturing Cancer, children may be the primary concern and focus…they may also be used as an ‘obstacle’ or excuse to stay in a miserable relationship situation. Pallas’ presence will help Venus figure out how to make the most of any situation, protecting her own needs as well as her children’s. One of the primary questions we may ask ourselves at this time is, who do we belong with? Who is part of our natural ‘tribe?’ Who do we truly resonate with, and is our current home truly our ‘home?’ We need deep bonds to others like ourselves when Venus is in Cancer, but many of us tend to confuse bloodlines and ancestry with tribal connections. Not everyone in our ‘family’ is really our family; not everyone we live with really resonates with who we are. Pluto and Pallas together will make us very aware of this at this time.
We are in the tail end of the First Quarter Moon phase during the Jupiter-Saturn opposition. With the Moon in Libra, we see, again, that the focus is on relationships. There is a need for harmonious communication but that may be impossible with all the tension she is under, indeed, in square to Venus herself. At the same time she is separating from a conjunction to sober Saturn, an opposition to expansive Jupiter and wild Uranus, and approaching a square to Pluto and Mother Ceres, as well as a semisquare to Hygeia and a quincunx to Chiron. Her recent trine to Vulcan brings even greater resonating sensitivity and intuition into the mix. The Sun is supportive, but his links to Uranus, Neptune, and the Black Moon Lilith may only serve to heighten any underlying anxiety felt by the Moon. Mercury in Taurus will try to hold back and contain his thoughts, but this may only serve to create more tension. Mars may be overly dramatic and confident in Leo, as he contacts Neptune, Cupido, and the Black Moon. Used positively, this energy makes for a time when Mars can be a powerful leader, cutting through the crap and helping those caught up in unfair predicaments to make necessary changes. Used arrogantly, and he can upset the applecart and then lash out in anger as he is super sensitive right now.
May 22nd – 23rd may be quite dramatic days for many of us as the tension that is brewing beneath the surface may become uncontainable. Unexpected expression of dissatisfaction in relationships is possible, and this opening can create positive change if you are able to talk things out with a partner and come to an understanding or fair agreement. It can be time of renewal, for you personally or for a partnership. Keep in mind, however, that once the talk begins, it will be very easy to express more than you ever intended and not only that, but whatever is said now may not sink in immediately, leaving you feeling unheard and potentially frustrated. Mercury in Taurus is too busy holding onto the past to truly allow the future thought-waves to penetrate too deeply. It could take some time, perhaps until the next Jupiter-Saturn opposition on August 16th. Or it may be sooner, when Mercury enters Gemini on June 10th. It truly depends on your individual state of affairs. Saturn turns forward on May 30th and this can help to speed situations along as we will be more eager to begin establishing new foundations – but honestly, there will be no true stability or foundation building at this time. Don’t expect it. Saturn will have the final face-off with Uranus on July 26th. Only after this time will we have the ability to truly sink the concrete or establish the roots for anything of permanence in our relationships. Between May 22nd and July 26th, we all have some serious clearing out to do. First we must find the way, and this is what the planetary energy of May 22nd – May 23rd will help us discover.
Below are the charts for the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of May 28, 2000 and the Jupiter-Opposition of May 23, 2010
10 May 2010
June 2010 Erotic Love Scopes - Eroscopes
June 2010 Erotic Love Scopes - Eroscopes - Sex Scopes - Scopes from Venus
Aries Sex Scope
The need to make changes in your life and to experiment sexually will become a prominent focus in June. You simply can’t allow yourself to stagnate and will actively seek out excitement this month…some of you...
Taurus Sex Scope
If you are feeling uneasy or even swamped by fears of the unknown, be patient with yourself and those you are close to in June. Financial concerns may appear...
Gemini Sex Scope
There’s a sense of confusion regarding your direction and what you truly want to happen in your sexual relationship as deep desires continue to build up between you but seem elusive. The more you try to...
Cancer Sex Scope
Partnerships and how they are playing out in your life will be the focus for much of your mental energy in June. It is clear that others are not treating your fairly and this...
Leo Sex Scope
If, over the past several months, you have felt too worn down and focused on day to day living to make plans for your future, you will find that you begin to dream again in June. Although...
Virgo Sex Scope
Deep rumblings of the Soul may break through into your consciousness throughout the month of June. There is a lot brewing beneath your calm façade but only those closest to you will have...
Libra Sex Scope
The urge to spread your wings will be quite strong for much of June but you can expect opposition to your big dreams to arrive in the form of a family member, a lover, or even your employer or work partner...
Scorpio Sex Scope
You may have a lot to say to a lover early in June, but whether you actually open your mouth and speak depends on how comfortable you feel stirring the pot and invoking change…and many...
Sagittarius Sex Scope
A deep urge to make changes in your relationship(s) and how you connect to others in your life will be strong throughout June. You can learn a lot about yourself and what you need...
Capricorn Sex Scope
You may feel quite vulnerable due to the seismic activity taking place within your psyche in June. Deep rumblings of the soul can be disturbing, especially if one isn’t consciously...
Aquarius Sex Scope
Thoughts of settling down and making a nest will flit about in early June but that will soon give way to a need for more adventure, romance, and erotic pleasures. It’s clear that you...
Pisces Sex Scope
Some uncertainty about your finances can create difficulty in your love life in June, leaving you feeling unsettled and potentially unable to move forward with a plan...
Read the full June 2010 Erotic Love Forecast for all 12 Zodiac Signs
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