Actually I was setting up several in-depth teaching sessions in 2005 when I was torn apart in a serious car accident (May 2005), which I am still being treated for and likely will be for many, many years. I can show the chart for the accident here:
So we will see...perhaps later this year I will get back to the teaching point. Notice how far away Uranus was from my Mars/North Node at the time of the accident. I had been dealing with that transit for almost 3 years and had started to think I'd make it through as I was so careful and aware. Guess Mar/Uranus opposition the Sun wasn't much better, not with the naughty transiting SN on my Ascendent too. Nope...was struck from behind by an idiot doing 55 mph as I was coming to a stop at a redlight. He was looking down doing paperwork and talking on a cell phone and 'thought' he was in the right turn lane. The man never even BRAKED! I somehow managed to stop my car and his full sized truck, barely tapping the one in front of me while knocked unconscious. Lucky to be here, I know it. I could go on a rant here, but I won't. Suffice it to say that due to Florida NO FAULT laws, even with him admitting full responsibility, I received less than a grand in my lawsuit and have to pay out of pocket weekly for my care and can't have needed surgery. All those flocking down here really have no idea what they are getting themselves into. But this is, more or less, an astrology blog so here is the beginning of the Connections article, lol:
Relationships, particularly love and sexual relationships, offer some of our most challenging and yet rewarding experiences in life. Have you ever felt the deep, silent sadness that creeps upon you when a partner grows cold or indifferent? Felt the sharp sting of bitter words during a quarrel? Most, if not all, of us have. I have, but I have also felt the pure solid bliss of understanding, acceptance and mutual love. Without love in our lives we would wither and fade away physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We all need love to grow and evolve; we also need to experience loving relationships in order to understand and really get to know ourselves. Enjoying and exploring our connection to our partner enables us to experience who we are and discover the greater potential within our self.
The intricate connections between two people can be traced by using a compatibility method known as Synastry. Synastry is the study of a relationship between two people and shows the relationship from the perspective of each individual involved rather than simply their combined energy (which is shown with a Composite Chart). To use Synastry we draw up two natal charts (also called nativities or birth charts) and then combine the charts from each individual’s perspective. This gives us a clear picture of how each person views the partner and shows us the intricate interactions and reactions to one another as well as the energy created within the relationship itself.
When working with Synastry we are working with four charts at once, each individual natal chart and two dual wheel charts. The dual wheels are created by placing the partner’s natal chart around the outside of the person’s chart, and then the other dual wheel is created by reversing the order (the partner’s natal chart is used as the focus, with the other person’s natal chart plotted around it). By combining the houses, signs, and planets of two individuals in this manner we can determine the more problematic or smooth areas operating in a relationship. As energy is neutral, even the ‘worst’ aspects between two people can be used positively. Negative or ‘hard’ aspects are the most dynamic and growth-oriented. Without these types of aspects in a relationship things would be quite boring. The aspects often given this dark spin are the conjunction (0 degrees), the opposition (180 degrees), the square (90 degrees), the quincunx (150 degrees), the semisquare (45 degrees), the sesquiquadrate (135 degrees), and sometimes others depending on each individual astrologer’s practice. I prefer to think of these aspects as challenging rather than ‘bad,’ and therefore I consider them transformative in nature. Without enough of these transformative, growth-related aspects in a relationship it is unlikely two people would be interested in forming much of a relationship at all, let alone an intimate, sexual bond.
If two people love, honour and respect one another they will want to make the effort to improve and develop the connection even if they have difficulties between them others may not understand. With this in mind, it must also be noted that the couple must desire the same type of relationship and both must want to make it work if it is to become a long-term union. It isn’t always easy to see how things will work out between two people from the Synastry chart alone, but it does provide a good solid base with which to begin.
Relationships require fine-tuning, lots of practice, compassion, and the ability to laugh even in the darkest moments... Read the rest!